#;Special Functions;0;num 1600;Swell Pedal (alternative);0;num 1605;Store Current Preset (127);0;num 1606;Store Current Upper Voice (127);0;num 1607;Store Current Lower Voice (127);0;num 1608;Store Current Pedal Voice (127);0;num 1609;Preset/Voice Store Request;0;num 1610;Binary Respone einschalten (OSC);0;num 1620;Dec Overall/Common Preset;0;num 1621;Inc Overall/Common Preset;0;num 1622;Dec Upper Voice;0;num 1623;Inc Upper Voice;0;num 1624;Dec Lower Voice;0;num 1625;Inc Lower Voice;0;num 1626;Dec Pedal Voice;0;num 1627;Inc Pedal Voice;0;num 1628;Dec Upper GM Voice 1;0;num 1629;Inc Upper GM Voice 1;0;num 1630;Dec Upper GM Voice 2;0;num 1631;Inc Upper GM Voice 2;0;num 1632;Dec Lower GM Voice 1;0;num 1633;Inc Lower GM Voice 1;0;num 1634;Dec Lower GM Voice 2;0;num 1635;Inc Lower GM Voice 2;0;num 1636;Dec Pedal GM Voice 1;0;num 1637;Inc Pedal GM Voice 1;0;num 1638;Dec Pedal GM Voice 2;0;num 1639;Inc Pedal GM Voice 2;0;num 1640;Send only: StoreRequest LED (64 = Blink);0;num 1649;Send only: Connected LED (64 = Blink);0;num 1650;Page Select 0..8, Start Page;0;num 1651;B3 Page/Preconfig (MIDI);0;num 1652;H100 Page/Preconfig (MIDI);0;num 1653;EG Mode 1 Page/Preconfig (MIDI);0;num 1654;EG Mode 2 Page/Preconfig (MIDI);0;num #;Special Range Functions;0;num 1680;Set Vibrato to V1;0;num 1681;Set Vibrato to C1;0;num 1682;Set Vibrato to V2;0;num 1683;Set Vibrato to C2;0;num 1684;Set Vibrato to V3;0;num 1685;Set Vibrato to C3;0;num 1686;Set Rotary to SLOW;0;num 1687;Set Rotary to STOP;0;num 1688;Set Set Rotary to FAST;0;num